Pastor's Blog

Family Rules

Family Rules

September 17, 20241 min read


Family Rules

Scripture: “You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees.” – Psalm 119:68, NIV


Have you ever felt like you were running headlong into a situation, only to find yourself pricked by unexpected thorns? Michael, in his youthful energy, learned this painful lesson firsthand. Let's explore how his experience can shed light on the wisdom behind God's rules and the love that guides them.

The Story:

Michael, a young boy, lived with his grandmother. She gave him a simple rule: don't run through the rose garden. Despite her warning, Michael's youthful energy led him to ignore her advice. He dashed through the garden, only to be met with sharp, painful thorns. His grandmother, filled with both love and concern, gently chided him for his disobedience. She explained that her rule was meant to protect him from harm.

The Application:

Just as Michael's grandmother sought to protect him from physical pain, God seeks to protect us from spiritual harm. His rules, often perceived as restrictive, are actually expressions of His love and wisdom. They are like guideposts on a dangerous path, warning us of potential pitfalls.

A Unique Quote:

“Rules are not chains that bind us, but rather wings that lift us to greater heights of freedom and fulfillment.” – Unknown

The Prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank you for your love and guidance. As I navigate the challenges of life, help me to remember the wisdom behind your rules. May I see them not as limitations, but as expressions of your care. Teach me to trust your ways, even when they seem difficult to understand. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Blessings, Pastor Stephan

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