Our Story

Highland Park, recognized as a re-start in January2 Column 2023, is a 65-year-old start-up, we’ve definitely been around the block a few times! We’ve experienced the ebb and flow of members, faced challenges, and at times, lost sight of our calling to share God’s love through His ministry. However, the winds of change began to blow when God nudged Pastor Stephan and2 Column beckoned him into ministry, specifically through Highland Park.

Our journey started back in 1956, and despite the odds, our original building—initially conceived as a residence—still stands proudly on the corner of Circle and Maizeland, now a testament to 64 years of bringing the joy of Jesus to Colorado Springs. Recently, we’ve sold that space to breathe life into our new, God-inspired vision, and we’re thrilled that you’re considering being a part of this exciting chapter. Your presence is the missing piece we’ve been waiting for!

Over the past two years, we’ve undergone a transformation, learning valuable lessons about patience, family, forgiveness, judgment, and most importantly, the significance of following and obeying God, regardless of the twists and turns on the journey.

God, the God of second chances, reminds us that we can’t rewrite our past, but in the wise words of John Maxwell, we can start today and create a brand-new ending. Affectionately dubbed “The Table at Highland Park” by our church family, we sense God’s call to fulfill the work He initiated with Highland Park in 1958. This time around, the mission is to dig deep, reaching and redeeming His people—believers and non-believers alike—from darkness. As we extend a hand of connection, our ultimate goal is to lead them fully into the radiant light of Jesus. The adventure continues, and the comeback of Highland Park is underway with a fresh vision inspired by God!


ADDRESS: 2550 E San Miguel St

Colorado Springs, CO 80909,


PHONE: 719-470-0202

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Copyright © 2025. All rights reserved. The Table at Highland Park