Into the Deep End
"Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.” – Psalm 40:5, NIV
Katie watched a little girl at the edge of the pool, frozen in her princess swimsuit and pink arm floaties. She would inch toward the water’s edge, look down at its depth, and quickly shuffle back, giggling nervously.
Nearby stood her father, a steady presence, gently encouraging her. “Come on, sweetheart, I’m right here. I’ll catch you if you jump!”
The little girl hesitated, fear clouding her face. “But what if you drop me?”
Her father smiled, a deep laugh escaping his chest. “I love you too much to let you go. You’re safe with me.”
After many timid steps and heartfelt reassurances, the girl finally leaped. She squealed, splashing into the water—but only for a moment—before landing safely in her father’s outstretched arms.
As Katie watched this tender scene, God whispered to her heart: “You’re standing at the edge, too. I’ve called you to new adventures, but you keep pacing back and forth, afraid to take the leap.”
Sometimes, stepping into God’s plans feels like jumping into the deep end—uncertain and scary. But God’s arms are always there, waiting to catch us. His love never fails, and His hands never falter.
“Faith isn’t about knowing the depth of the water; it’s about trusting the strength of the One who catches you.”
So, what’s holding you back today? Is it fear of failure? Uncertainty? Remember this: God is your anchor and your rescue. If He’s called you to take the leap, He’s already in the water, ready to hold you up.
Father, give me courage to leap into the plans You have for me. Help me to trust that You are always near, ready to catch me when I fall. I choose faith over fear and surrender to Your call. I love You, Abba! Amen.
Blessings, Pastor Stephan
ADDRESS: 2550 E San Miguel St
Colorado Springs, CO 80909,
PHONE: 719-470-0202
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