Pastor's Blog

New Branches

New Branches

September 11, 20242 min read


New Branches

Scripture Insight: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10, NIV

Reflection: Nancy's journey began in a home shadowed by alcohol; a place where love and chaos poured from the same bottle. She left seeking sanctuary, believing distance from her past would shield her future. Yet, when adversity struck—through the loss of a child and the burdens of guilt—it beckoned old specters to her side. One beer to drown the sorrow, she told herself, soon turned into many, blurring the lines of her reality.

Her wake-up call came one harrowing night when her daughter fell ill and she stood too impaired to help. It was then that her husband, away on retreat, rushed to their aid, and together, they faced the chilling truth at the hospital.

There, a wise nurse, recognizing the familiar signs of a battle she too once fought, shared her own scars from an alcoholic home. With a simple touch and heartfelt words, she offered Nancy a vision of hope: “Jesus is in the business of grafting new branches into twisted trees. You don’t have to carry this on your own anymore.”

Today's Prayer: Heavenly Father, amidst the shadows that have trailed our family lines, we seek Your light. Break the chains of our pasts and guide us into a future where our legacy is not one of pain, but of promise. May You graft new branches onto our family tree, ones that bear the fruits of Your spirit—love, joy, peace, and righteousness. We ask for transformation not just for us but for generations to come. In the redeeming name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Encouragement: Your family's history does not dictate your destiny. Darkness need not beget darkness. In Christ, there is always room for new beginnings and new branches. Let today be the day your transformation begins.

Blessings, Pastor Stephan

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